We make pharmaceutical innovations from known molecular entities. Our pipeline drugs are based on a rationale for fast clinical development, strong IP-protection, and commercial viability.
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We make pharmaceutical innovations from known molecular entities. Our pipeline drugs are based on a rationale for fast clinical development, IP-protection, and commercial viability.

About Us

PDFE Pharma Innovations FZCO is a joint venture between India based Paaree Institute and Swedish based VidiLife CRA. Our combined skill set allow us to make pharmaceutical innovations from known molecular entities based on unmet patient needs, recent research, and intellectual property rights. We focus our innovation on drugs with high chance for commercial success rather than limiting ourselves to a disease domain. Pharmaceutical development from known molecular entities typically benefits from an accomplished preclinical development and a well documented safety profile. New drugs in this category can come to market with shorter lead time, at lower risk, and lower cost.


Our current pipeline include patented innovations for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcerative Colitis, Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE), Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema), Androgenetic Alopecia (Hairloss), Acne, and Rosacea. The pipeline is expanding from an overall assessment of the market, patient needs, recent research, and intellectual property rights. This gives our drug concepts a strong foundation for streamlined clinical development and high chance of commercial success. For an in-depth personal presentation of our pipeline and collaboration model, please reach out to us in the “Contact Us” form.


IBEKET (PDFE-2302) is developed to meet the need for efficient symptom relief in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Patient satisfaction with current treatments is only 20%, and as low as 3.6% in doctors for prescription alternatives. IBEKET aims at a pathological mechanism not previously targeted in IBS and that is the culprit in all subsets of the disease (IBS-D, IBS-C, and IBS-M). Besides acting normalizing on bowel habits, IBEKET is assessed to provide significant relief from bloating, flatulence, and sense of incomplete evacuation. With 10% suffering from IBS globally, IBEKET has the potential to capture a significant share of a market that is expected to reach $2.0 B in 2026 (7MM). PDFE Pharma patented IBEKET in May 2023 and entered a co-development agreement with SPAAR Research Labs in March 2024. Agreement milestones include prototype development, GMP manufacturing of clinical study drug, phase 1/POC studies, and global IP. Licensing discussions will be open meanwhile.


ATOLOR (PDFE-2301) is a first-line ”Ease & Prevent” monotherapy for adults and children with mild to moderate Atopic Dermatitis (eczema). This patient group constitutes 95% of all eczema patients in which 60-70% are dissatisfied with current treatments. ATOLOR targets the need for a highly tolerable, short- and long-term monotherapy, reducing the burden of treatment discomforts and complexity while maintaining remission. Successful therapy at the first step of the treatment ladder has potential for a domino effect on all treatment steps, with less need for topical and systemic corticosteroids, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, etc. ATOLOR is expected to prove the high safety required for prescription-free drugs and thus targets a low competition segment on a market valued at $6.4 B (7 MM). PDFE Pharma patented ATOLOR in May 2023 with ongoing formulation development and intellectual property optimization. We welcome investors and collaborators in financial participation of clinical trial supply manufacturing and early stage clinical trials.


COLODINE (PDFE-2303) is an oral Ulcerative Colitis (UC) treatment. COLODINE has a therapeutic index superior to previous drugs in its category and is proven to be very safe even in high doses. This opens a unique chance to develop a safe treatment choice for children with UC. COLODINE aims at a disease mechanism not previously targeted in UC and that is suggested to be common for gastrointestinal diseases such as IBS and gastroparesis. Development of COLODINE thus has the potential for additional treatment indications. PDFE Pharma patented COLODINE in May 2023 with ongoing formulation development and intellectual property optimization. In September 2023 a complementary patent was filed for suppository and enema formulations. We welcome investors and collaborators in financial participation of clinical trial supply manufacturing and early stage clinical trials.


NEOPILI (PDFE-2304) is a topical treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia (Male pattern hairloss). Androgenetic Alopecia affects 80% of men and 50% of women with few advances in treatment options since the FDA approval of Minoxidil in 1988. Recent studies on the pathogenesis conclude a skewed prostglandin balance in affected areas of the scalp, ultimately leading to hair follicle miniaturization and loss of hair. NEOPILI rectifies the prostaglandin balance in favour of the anagen (active) phase that signifies healthy hair growth. We also expect NEOPILI to have a rejuvenating effect on hair color and quality, taking hair loss treatment to a new level. The treatment market for Androgenetic Alopecia reached a value of $5,9 B in 2022 (7MM) with an estimated growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6% during 2023-2033. PDFE Pharma patented NEOPILI in September 2023 and entered a co-development agreement with STERIN Labs in April 2024. Agreement milestones include prototype development, GMP manufacturing of clinical study drug, phase 1/POC studies, and global IP. Licensing discussions will be open meanwhile.


ZINEAC (PDFE-2305) is a topical treatment for Acne Vulgaris (Acne). Acne affects 9.4% of the global population, making it the eighth most prevalent disease worldwide. The mainstay therapy with retinoids and benzoyl peroxide comes with dry, irritated and peeling skin. Moreover, treatments with antibiotics is increasingly deprecated due to resistance ranging from 10-73% in acneic bacterial strains. ZINEAC aims to provide a highly tolerable treatment beyond the challenge of bacterial resistance. With dual action it targets the bacterial imbalance as well as inflammation in mild and moderate acne. ZINEAC will undergo proof of concept studies also for Perioral Dermatitis and Rosacea, increasing chances for commercial success. The global Acne treatment market was valued at $9.7 B in 2022 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.8% during 2023-2032. PDFE Pharma patented ZINEAC in September 2023 and entered a co-development agreement with STERIN Labs in April 2024. Agreement milestones include prototype development, GMP manufacturing of clinical study drug, phase 1/POC studies, and global IP. Licensing discussions will be open meanwhile.

Investors & Partners

We collaborate with investors or partners from the pharmaceutical industry to develop our pipeline drugs from phase 1 and beyond. When teaming with an investor we are able manage the development cycle to the point of market approval. When teaming with the pharmaceutical industry the partner may choose to close a licencing agreement or co-develop in a joint venture with us. Our collaboration flexibility give investors and partners the chance to seamlessly incorporate our drug concepts into their existing organisation and business model.

Our Team

PDFE Pharma Innovations FZCO is a joint venture between India based Paaree Institute and Swedish based VidiLife CRA. Paaree Institute was founded by Praba, an experienced pharma industry professionals with a PhD in pharmaceutical development. Paaree Institute is engaged in pharmaceutical development and intellectual property rights. VidiLife CRA was founded by Fredrik with a background as doctor in clinical settings, research, and bioinformatics. VidiLife implements in-silico drug innovation and CRA services. Our combined skill set allow us to manage the full drug develop cycle, from idea to market approval. We are expanding our board of clically and research active physicians with an interest in androgenic allopecia (AGA), acne, and irritable bowel syndrom (IBS). Feel free to reach out to us via LinkeIn or the contact form bellow.

Medical Doctor
Fredrik Enqvist
Prabakaran D, PhD

Contact Us

    DSO-IFZA, IFZA Properties,
    Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, UAE


    Product renderings are for illustrational purpose only.